Results for 'F. -H. Leroy'

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  1. The Dewey-Heidegger comparison revisited: A perspectival partnership for education.Leroy F. Troutner & M. A. Raywid - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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  2. Principles of Financial Economics.Stephen F. LeRoy, Jan Werner & Stephen A. Ross - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    Financial economics, and the calculations of time and uncertainty derived from it, are playing an increasingly important role in non-finance areas, such as monetary and environmental economics. In this 2001 book, Professors Le Roy and Werner supply a rigorous yet accessible graduate-level introduction to this subfield of microeconomic theory and general equilibrium theory. Since students often find the link between financial economics and equilibrium theory hard to grasp, they devote less attention to purely financial topics such as calculation of derivatives, (...)
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    Anatomical criticism and value in contemporary art.Leroy F. Searle - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 33 (4):393-402.
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    Implementation-neutral causation.Stephen F. LeRoy - 2016 - Economics and Philosophy 32 (1):121-142.
    :The most basic question one can ask of a model is ‘What is the effect on variable y2 of variable y1?’ Causation is ‘implementation neutral’ when all interventions on external variables that lead to a given change in y1 have the same effect on y2, so that the effect of y1 on y2 is defined unambiguously. Familiar ideas of causal analysis do not apply when causation is implementation neutral. For example, a cause variable cannot be linked to an effect variable (...)
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    Vedic Variants.LeRoy Carr Barret, M. Bloomfield & F. Edgerton - 1931 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 51 (1):73.
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    The change of heart rate with attention.Leroy M. Billings & John F. Shepard - 1910 - Psychological Review 17 (3):217-228.
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    Implementation neutrality and treatment evaluation.Stephen F. LeRoy - 2018 - Economics and Philosophy 34 (1):45-52.
    :Statisticians have proposed formal techniques for evaluation of treatments, often in the context of models that do not explicitly specify how treatments are generated. Under such procedures they run the risk of attributing causation in settings where the implementation neutrality condition required for causal interpretation of parameter estimates is not satisfied. When treatment assignments are explicitly modelled, as economists recommend, these issues can be formally analysed, and the existence of implementation neutrality, and therefore quantifiable causation, can be determined. Examples are (...)
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    Simultaneous versus successive quantification.Leroy F. Meyers - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (2):247-249.
  9. William Torrey Harris, 1835- - 1935.Edward Leroy Schaub, Daniel Sommer Robinson & Kurt F. Leidecker (eds.) - 1936 - London,: The Open court publishing company.
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    The Dewey‐Heidegger Comparison Re‐visited: A Reply and Clarification.Leroy F. Troutner - 1972 - Educational Theory 22 (2):212-220.
  11. Causality: models, reasoning and inference A review of Judea Pearl's Causality.Stephen F. LeRoy - 2002 - Journal of Economic Methodology 9 (1):100-102.
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    Notes & Correspondence.John F. Fulton, Jean F. Leroy, Stillman Drake, Edward Rosen, George A. Summent & John B. Blake - 1957 - Isis 48 (1):63-70.
  13. Managing Incidental Findings in Human Subjects Research: Analysis and Recommendations.Susan M. Wolf, Frances P. Lawrenz, Charles A. Nelson, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Mildred K. Cho, Ellen Wright Clayton, Joel G. Fletcher, Michael K. Georgieff, Dale Hammerschmidt, Kathy Hudson, Judy Illes, Vivek Kapur, Moira A. Keane, Barbara A. Koenig, Bonnie S. LeRoy, Elizabeth G. McFarland, Jordan Paradise, Lisa S. Parker, Sharon F. Terry, Brian Van Ness & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):219-248.
    No consensus yet exists on how to handle incidental fnd-ings in human subjects research. Yet empirical studies document IFs in a wide range of research studies, where IFs are fndings beyond the aims of the study that are of potential health or reproductive importance to the individual research participant. This paper reports recommendations of a two-year project group funded by NIH to study how to manage IFs in genetic and genomic research, as well as imaging research. We conclude that researchers (...)
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  14. Emotion Regulation, Parasympathetic Function, and Psychological Well-Being.Ryan L. Brown, Michelle A. Chen, Jensine Paoletti, Eva E. Dicker, E. Lydia Wu-Chung, Angie S. LeRoy, Marzieh Majd, Robert Suchting, Julian F. Thayer & Christopher P. Fagundes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The negative emotions generated following stressful life events can increase one’s risk of depressive symptoms and promote higher levels of perceived stress. The process model of emotion regulation can help distinguish between adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies to determine who may be at the greatest risk of worse psychological health across the lifespan. Heart rate variability may affect these relationships as it indexes aspects of self-regulation, including emotion and behavioral regulation, that enable an individual to dynamically adapt to the (...)
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    F. J. Leroy, L'homiletique De Proclus De Constantinople.E. Amand De Mendieta - 1968 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 61 (1).
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    Principles and Theory in Bioethics.Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1995 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 5 (3):279-286.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Principles and Theory in BioethicsPat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)The following citations were selected from BIOETHICSLINE, the online database prepared at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics for the National Library of Medicine's MEDLARS system. Searching the keywords autonomy, beneficence, casuistry, justice, and virtues, as well as the text word principlism produced more than 400 citations. Only the citations concerned with theory and principle in the practice of bioethics are included here—e.g., (...)
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    Basic Resources in Bioethics.Mary Carrington Coutts - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (1):75-90.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Basic Resources in Bioethics*Mary Carrington Coutts (bio)OrganizationsKennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Washington, DC 20057 National Reference Center for Bioethics Literature 800-MED-ETHX or 202-687-3885The Hastings Center 255 Elm Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 914-762-8500Society for Health and Human Values 6728 Old McLean Village Drive McLean, VA 22101 703-556-9222NOTE: There are numerous organizations in the United States and abroad that deal with bioethical issues. For a more comprehensive listing of (...)
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